How often you work with Adobe application on your daily basis as a designer? especially those who use Photoshop a lot and have you ever sometimes found that photoshop shortcuts helps you save a lots of time editing.
Well, here are some tips I would like to share that might helps you..
Brush tips (click ‘B’ for brush tool)
- Make Brush size larger ….. ]
- Make Brush size bigger …. [
- Make brush soften ……….. Shift + [
- Make brush harder ………. Shift + ]
- Make Brush size larger ….. ]
- Make Brush size bigger …. [
- Make brush soften ……….. Shift + [
- Make brush harder ………. Shift + ]
- Switch foreground and background color …………….. Shift + X
- Make foreground and background to Black&White ….. D
- Switch foreground and background color …………….. Shift + X
- Make foreground and background to Black&White ….. D
- Zoom tool …………………. Z
- Zoom out ………………….. hold Option
- Zooming In ……………….. Command + +
- Zooming Out ……………… Command + -
- Zoom to fit screen ………… Command + 0
- Hand tool …………………… press H
- Hide palettes + toolbar …… press Tab
- Hide palettes ………………. Shift + Tab
- Zoom to actual pixels……… F
- Zoom tool …………………. Z
- Zoom out ………………….. hold Option
- Zooming In ……………….. Command + +
- Zooming Out ……………… Command + -
- Zoom to fit screen ………… Command + 0
- Hand tool …………………… press H
- Hide palettes + toolbar …… press Tab
- Hide palettes ………………. Shift + Tab
- Zoom to actual pixels……… F
Layers (click L for Layes)
- Add new Layer ……………… Shift + Command + N
- Copy to new Layer …………. Command + J
- Create clipping mask ………. hold ‘Option’ while click on between Layers
- Release clipping mask …….. hold ‘Option’ while click on between clipped Layers
- Checking which on layer….. select move tool (V) + hold ‘Command’ to your current working window
- Add new Layer ……………… Shift + Command + N
- Copy to new Layer …………. Command + J
- Create clipping mask ………. hold ‘Option’ while click on between Layers
- Release clipping mask …….. hold ‘Option’ while click on between clipped Layers
- Checking which on layer….. select move tool (V) + hold ‘Command’ to your current working window
Adjustment dialogue windows (Curves, Levels, Saturation.. etc)
- Change ‘Cancel’ button to ‘Reset’….. hold Option
- Step back to history palette …………. Command + Option + Z
- Change ‘Cancel’ button to ‘Reset’….. hold Option
- Step back to history palette …………. Command + Option + Z
Selecting Tools
- V …… Move tool
- M …… Rectangular Marquee
- L …… Lasso
- W …… Magic wand
- C …… Crop
- I …… Eye dropper
- J …… Healing brush
- B …… Brush
- S …… Clone Stamp
- Y …… History brush
- E …… Eraser
- G …… Gradient & Paint bucket
- O …… Dodging
- P …… Pen
- T …… Type
- A …… Direct & Path selection
- U …… Custom shape
- Select multiple tools …… hold Shift while press tool shortcut
- V …… Move tool
- M …… Rectangular Marquee
- L …… Lasso
- W …… Magic wand
- C …… Crop
- I …… Eye dropper
- J …… Healing brush
- B …… Brush
- S …… Clone Stamp
- Y …… History brush
- E …… Eraser
- G …… Gradient & Paint bucket
- O …… Dodging
- P …… Pen
- T …… Type
- A …… Direct & Path selection
- U …… Custom shape
- Select multiple tools …… hold Shift while press tool shortcut
Quick Help
- Quick Help button …………. Command + /
- Quick Help button …………. Command + /
Please note that this tips written for Mac users, just type Ctrl instead of Command and typeAlt instead of Option for PC users.
Feel free to add more shortcuts if you have something useful that I’m not aware about in the comment box!
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